On the surface, Jennifer Knapp presents fairly straightforward, albeit thoughtful, pop/rock. But, knowing her story, the songs take on a loftier mission. They tell the story of an out, gay Christian who grew up in rural Kansas, the sister of a twin and the daughter of divorced parents. She’s a lover and a fighter, this one — a thinker and a feeler. The set kicks off with the one-two punch of “Remedy” and “Set Me Free.” The first offers a glimpse into the heart and mind of someone struggling to break free of their roots while also clinging to them, while the second frames that same push-pull within the context of a relationship — you probably shouldn’t hold on, but it’s hard to let go. The bittersweetness of that epic human battle takes a more tender turn in “Neosho” as Knapp recounts childhood days spent on the river with her father. For anyone facing a similar fight, Set Me Free is evidence that it gets better… or, at least, it can.